Social Media Management

Optimize your relationship with your customers.

Get in touch

Are you present and engaging with your audience?

In today’s world, no one can afford to be absent from social media, which is an excellent tool for customer engagement and even sales! However, it's crucial to know which social media platforms to be present on, their functions, metrics, timing, and other factors to be successful.

Knowing that entrepreneurs don’t always have the time, Conexão Zufe assists its clients by managing their social media accounts. We provide consulting for better performance, create personalized graphics for each post, engage with posts on days and times of highest interaction according to social media metrics, edit contact forms to give clients immediate and easy access to their businesses, and more.

Getting in touch with us is very simple!

What we want is to help your business grow through the internet without adding extra stress to your daily routine.

Michelle Farah Rodrigues

Zufe CEO

Michelle Farah Rodrigues

Digital Marketing Specialist