Visual Identity

Be recognized and remembered; solidify your position in the market.

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Be remembered and recognized

The visual identity of a company is essential in building a brand that aims to solidify and be recognized in the market. Just think about how many companies are (re)recognized by their logos alone (Apple, Nike...).

It is the first direct communication with the public and must be well studied, thought out, and developed to create a positive impression that generates interest, curiosity, and empathy.

That's why we offer our clients the creation of their visual identity in an exclusive, personalized, and individualized manner, presenting not only their logos but also the standard colors, references, and patterns that reflect their identities as a business.

Getting in touch with us is very simple!

What we want is to help your business grow through the internet without adding extra stress to your daily routine.

Michelle Farah Rodrigues

Zufe CEO

Michelle Farah Rodrigues

Digital Marketing Specialist